• If you are not receiving email responses in your Inbox, please check your SPAM folder as our response emails may end up there.
• Please report any locations that are not connecting. Use Contact Us so that we can provide you with an alternative.
• You can watch your favorite streaming services now. Please Sign In to access Video Streaming Configuration over GoTrusted VPN.
• If you are getting a "Please check your Internet connection" message after installing GoTrusted on Windows, please reboot.
Please see our Frequently Asked Questions below to see if your issue is already addressed. If not, you can use the form at the bottom of this page to Contact Us.
We have never had a free VPN service choice. Those free VPN services monetize your traffic by identifying your home IP address and by selling it to companies so that others can market to you or monetize your browsing experience. This is the exact opposite purpose of what a VPN is for. GoTrusted would never do this.
GoTrusted has been online since 2005. We don't know of any other remaining VPN service that is older than us. Let us know if we're wrong.
Thanks to an increase in our bandwidth capacity, we can comfortably handle large Tor connections through our servers.
We use our Custom SSL Protocol based on our Patent, WireGuard, OpenVPN, IKEv2, Cisco VPN, L2TP, IPSec, and PPTP for those few who are stuck with older devices.
Because there are so many free ad-blocking DNS servers, we recommend you try those for excellent ad blocking, but only when connecting through GoTrusted. Because you are connecting behind our VPN service, your private browing habits can't be monetized by these free ad-blocking DNS services to your location since you can't be identified. Here's one free DNS ad-blocking service that works well, alternate-dns.com. Simply modify your DNS settings to point to and while connected through GoTrusted.
Thanks to an increase in our bandwidth capacity, we now recommend up to 3 Desktop connections simultaneously with 4 connections on Mobile. Although we are flexible with varying numbers as long as there isn't bandwidth abuse by the account.
If you test your location with a geolocation website and it reports your location as being, for example, in Delaware when the GoTrusted app says you're supposed to be in Chicago, it is probably because you are connecting to one of our new IPs that have not yet been updated on geolocation databases. To confirm that our server is where we claim it is, please try an online traceroute service like traceroute-online.com and enter our server's IP address.
Our custom VPN protocol has been known to connect through even the harshest of firewalls. If you still cannot connect, Sign In to see additional steps with the link on how to Unblock GoTrusted VPN in my country.
Please Sign In to access instructions on the link Video Streaming over GoTrusted VPN.
For Mac/Windows: Please click 'Disconnect' if already connected, click the GoTrusted menu and select Settings - there is a Location selection dropdown there. Change that and Save. Reconnect. The closest region to your location will usually give the fastest service. Please check your GoTrusted client message status area, if it says that you connected in 'Compatibility Mode for your last connection', disconnect and try reconnecting. Make sure that 'Standard Mode' is selected as well on the GoTrusted Settings Menu > Advanced section. Compatibility mode is sometimes used by the software under certain local network conditions - and may be required to connect where you are. Also, your local country's or ISP's route to our secure server may be slower at certain times of day.
For iPhone/Android: Disconnect first. Then try choosing a different location to see if speed improves. If speed doesn't improve, it may be a slowdown at the local ISP. Try disconnecting to see if the Internet is slow in general. If not, you can request support using the form below. Please let us know your physical location and the location that you were connected to in the app.
You may install and use GoTrusted on as may computers as you like. However, we recommend using up to 3 Desktop sessions simultaneously with 4 mobile sessions as long as there isn't bandwidth abuse with the account.
Yes, you can. To select the region you want to connect to, just start your GoTrusted software/app and look for the location. It's in the Menu on the Desktop app or a Location button on the Mobile app. Sign In to see locations for WireGuard servers. For other connections like IKEv2 and L2TP, please contact us through the support form below.
You can reactivate your account at any time by logging in under ‘Sign In’ on the top of our website and selecting a reactivation option listed on your account page. If your login isn’t working or you’re not sure what email you had used previously, you can contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
What you are seeing is not a charge, but just an authorization to see if the card is valid during sign-up. The authorization will fall off within a few days and does not result in a charge of 5 cents. The trial is completely free and you can cancel any time during the 7 days without any charges.
No. With the exception for general network performance monitoring, GoTrusted does not monitor individual session traffic.
Browsing to sites like https://www.whatismyiplookup.com when disconnected will show your real IP address. After you connect your GoTrusted Secure Session, you'll see the IP address change when re-browsing to those sites. This is your Secure Session IP and indicates that traffic from your real IP address is being encrypted and hidden.
You can use the form below. Select 'Cancel Service' for the topic. Make sure to include your account Email Login, and enter the last four digits of the credit card (if not using PayPal) or company account code into the message area.
Just click on the 'Sign In' link on the top of our website. There's a 'Forgot Password' feature there.
Since your VPN service account information is tied to your Email Login created during registration, please use the form below to request a new Email Login for your account. Include the last four digits of the credit card or company account code used to open the account in your request.